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Sunday 5 January 2014

Female Reproductive cycle

In females the production of egg is a cyclic activity as compared to males in whom gamete production and release is a continuous process beginning at puberty and lasting life.
 primary steps in female reproductive cycles are:

(1) The pituitary gland on the onset of puberty releases follicle stimulating hormone which stimulates the developing of several primary follicles.Only one of these follicles continues to grow with its primary aacytes while the rest break down by a degenerative process known as follicle.
(2) The ovary under the stimulus of also produces hormone.This on one hand  the sndometrium and hand inhibits the secretion of from pituitary gland.
(3)Decrease of increase of estrogen causes the pituiary gland to secret luteinizing hormone which induces ovulation the release of ovum from the follicle.
(4)The follicle cell after releas of the egg, are modified to from a special structure called corpus lutenum.This yellow glandular structure starts secreting hormone called progesterone calledprogesterone.this hormone develops the endometrium and make it receptive for the implantation of the zygote.
(5)If fertilization does not occure the corpus luteum starts degenerating.The progesterone secretion diminishes and its supporting on the spongy endometrium is reduced which suffers a breakdown.This causes the dischaee of blood and cell debrise known as menstruation.

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