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Wednesday 8 January 2014

Skin Care

You skin is that comes into contact with rest of the world.It holds body fluids in preventing dehydration hahy and keeps harmful microbes we would get infection.Your skin is full of never endings that help you feel things like heat,cold, and pain.If you could'n t feel these things,you could get badly hurt and not  even know it!
Why health skin is importance?
Since your skin plays such an important role in protecting your body, You should keep it as you can.
This will help you keep from getting sick or having damage to you bones,muscles,and internal organs.
Felts you skin can reveal the stories of you life,from the fabled glow of pernancy to the less welcom apots that  surface from sun damage.You hear a lot about  protect your skin from the sun's rays, but there are many other simple health moves that can keep your exterior in fabulous shap.

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